Arrested By Police, 2 Togel Gambling Actors In Jambi Claim To Have Only Been Involved In Several Months
Jambi Police Criminal Investigation Unit arrested two suspects of illegal toto gambling (togel) in Jambi City.The Head of Criminal Investigation Unit of the Jambi Police, Kompol Marhara Tua, said that of the two suspects, the police confiscated a number of evidences of lottery gambling, namely cash, cell phones, paper containing writing the number of lottery purchases."This is a commitment of the Jambi Police, which is still upright, taking firm action against gambling actors in Jambi City like this lottery gambling," he said in Jambi, Antara, Friday, August 22.The suspect with the initials RS was arrested in the Jalan Pattimura area, Jambi City. The hospital is known to be the perpetrator of manual lottery gambling. Furthermore, JC was arrested in the Simpang Kawat area, Jambi City. The perpetrator of this JC sells togel through the website or online.Both admitted that they had only been involved for a few months with this gambling activity.As a result of his actions, the second was subject to Article 303 of the Criminal Code concerning the alleged crime of gambling with a threat of 10 years in prison.From this disclosure, the local community is expected to collaborate with the police to eradicate gambling.
To eradicate this gambling, the Jambi Police are ready to carry out routine patrols to increase supervision of gambling activities in Jambi City."If the public knows of gambling in the area around where they live, please report it to the Jambi Police Satreskrim," he said.