Palestinian Student Dies In Accident In Mataram
MATARAM - Sahid OA Albalawi Hend (21), a student from Gaza, Palestine, died after being run over by a tanker truck on Ahmad Yani Street, Selagalas Village, Sandubaya District, Mataram City, West Nusa Tenggara (NTB). Before the accident occurred, the victim and a friend were pedaling a bicycle from south to north. On the way, they depended on the back of a pickup truck that was moving in the same direction. The broker, when the pickup tried to overtake the tank truck from the left side, the victim who was holding on the pickup fell onto the road. His body was immediately crushed by the left rear wheel of the tank truck driven by Lalu Iwan Takdir. "The victim fell and the back wheel of the tank truck. His condition was very critical and was immediately rushed to the nearest hospital," said Matram Traffic Police picket officer, Bripka M Fadli, Friday, August 23. Unfortunately, the rescue attempt was unsuccessful. The victim was declared dead when he arrived at the hospital due to the serious injuries he suffered. "The victim suffered serious injuries to his head and body. The medical team has tried their maximum, but his life was not saved," added Fadli. Police are still continuing the investigation to find out the exact cause of this accident. Several factors such as vehicle speed, road conditions, and human factors, are still the focus of investigation. Tank truck driver, Lalu Iwan Takdir, has been secured by the police for further questioning. The police have also conducted a crime scene investigation (TKP) and examined a number of eyewitnesses witnesses.
According to Fendi, a local resident, the condition of Jalan Ahmad Yani is often crowded, especially at night. "I heard a loud crash. When I got out, the victim was lying on the road, and the tanker truck had stopped by the side of the road," said Fendi.