Ministry Of Transportation Finds 4,345 Vehicles For Violating Provisions

JAKARTA - The Ministry of Transportation (Kemenhub) through the Directorate General of Land Transportation found that 4,345 goods transport vehicles violated the provisions of the 8,096 vehicles being inspected.

These findings were obtained from the supervision and enforcement of the law carried out by the Directorate General of Hubdat on goods transport vehicles that committed violations. This is done as an effort to improve aspects of road safety and reduce the fatality rate of accidents involving freight transportation.

Director General of Land Transportation, Inspector General of Police Risyapudin Nursin said that the number of freight transports that violated this provision was 53.66 percent of the total vehicles being inspected.

"This supervision and Law Enforcement will be carried out from August 19 to 24. After three days of intensive supervision, it was found that most of the goods vehicles were still committing violations," he said in an official statement, Thursday, August 22.

Risyapudin said of the existing types of violations, the most vehicles violating the transportation or overload provisions were 2,067 vehicles or 47.57 percent. Followed by violations of 2,060 or 47.41 percent of vehicle documents.

"Meanwhile, for technical requirements like road roads, there are still 96 vehicles or 2.21 percent of them. The rest are violations of the vehicle dimension of 1.20 percent and procedures for loading and unloading vehicles of 1.61 percent," explained Risyapudin.

He said the implementation of supervision and law enforcement had been carried out in a sustainable manner in all Motor Vehicle Weighing Implementation Units (UPPKB).

However, he mentioned that there were several obstacles that occurred in the field, including there were still many vehicles trying not to enter the weight bridge or UPPKB.

"Besides that, there are still vehicles that deliberately do not carry any documents. Of course, we must continue to educate and become our common concern in order to prioritize traffic safety and road transportation," he added.

Based on data in the field, there are ten companies that have committed the most violations, including:

1. PT Indomarco Pristama

2. PT Erasakti Wiraforestama

3. PT Adi Sarana Armada

4. PT Seino Indomobil

5. PT Serasi Autoraya

6. PT Siba Surya

7. PT Bali Indoraya

8. CV. Setia's friend

9. PT. Batavia P Trans, Tbk

10. CV Star Medan Jaya

Meanwhile, the vehicles that committed the most violations included loading goods:

1. Vacant

2. Basic food

3. Building materials

4. Natural Results

5. Furniture

6. Livestock

7. Fluid

8. CPO

9. Medical devices

10. Waste

Risyapudin said vehicles that violated were given sanctions in accordance with the types of violations committed, such as warning sanctions to ticketing by the police so that they were expected to have a deterrent effect for goods owners, vehicle owners and drivers.

Meanwhile, this activity is carried out simultaneously throughout Indonesia by involving the Land Transportation Management Center (BPTD), the Police, the Provincial/Regency/City Transportation Service and supported by the TNI.