South Kalimantan Governor Sahbirin Noor Officially Opens Porwanas XIV, Enlivened By Meratus Geopark Colrosal Dance

The Governor of South Kalimantan (Kalsel), Sahbirin Noor, officially opened the XIV National Journalists Sports Week (Porwanas) 2024 at Gelora Uncle Birin, Banjarbaru, on Thursday (22/8/2024). This opening ceremony was enlivened by the Meratus Geopark colossal dance, which displays the rich culture and natural beauty of South Kalimantan.
The colossal dance is a symbol of the pride of the people of South Kalimantan towards Porwanas XIV, which has been going on since August 19 and will end on August 26, 2024. In his remarks, Governor Sahbirin Noor expressed his appreciation to the Indonesian Journalists Association (PWI) for entrusting South Kalimantan as the host.
Governor Sahbirin Noor hopes that Porwanas XIV can have a positive impact on development in South Kalimantan, as well as become a momentum to increase the professionalism of journalists.
The General Chairperson of the Central PWI, Hendry Ch Bangun, also appreciated the support of the Governor of South Kalimantan Sahbirin Noor, especially in the construction of the Gelora Uncle Birin. "Porwanas is the first event to take advantage of this GOR," said Hendry Bangun. This support is also the reason SIWO PWI Pusat gave an award to South Kalimantan Governor Sahbirin Noor as Head of Sports Care Area.
One of the privileges of Porwanas XIV is the first time that journalistic works have been made into a contested sport. Hendry Bangun hopes that through Porwanas XIV which is attended by 38 PWI contingents throughout Indonesia, the potential and development in South Kalimantan can be better known, especially through unique photos and quality journalistic works that raise the Ecopark Meratus tourist attraction.
The opening ceremony of Porwanas XIV was also attended by the Head of the South Kalimantan PKK Mobilization Team Hj Raudatul Jannah, Deputy General Chairperson of the Tursandi Central KONI, and the KOI Executive Committee Hifni Hasan.