UI Professor Council Urges DPR To Stop Revision Of Regional Head Election Law

The Council of Professors (DGB) of the University of Indonesia urges legislators, namely the DPR and the government, to stop the revision of the Regional Head Election Law (UU Pilkada) which is currently just waiting to be ratified at the DPR plenary session in Jakarta, Thursday, August 22, 2024.

The UI Professors Council in its confirmed statement in Jakarta, Thursday, assessed that the discussion on the revision of the Pilkada Law ignored the Constitutional Court Decision Number 60/PUU-XXII/2024 and the Constitutional Court Decision Number 70/PUU-XXII/2024 which was read out by the Court on Tuesday (20/8).

"The discussion on the revision of the Pilkada Law by ignoring the Constitutional Court's Decision Number 60 and the Constitutional Court Decision Number 70 a day after it was decided, in fact the DPR greatly violated the attitude of statesmanship demanded by the representatives of the people," said the Chairman of DGB UI, Prof. Harkristuti Harkrisnowo, reading the statement from DGB UI when quoted by ANTARA, Thursday, August 22.

He represented more than 60 trans-science professors at the University of Indonesia who approved the statement of attitude, reminding legislators of such changes could cause disputes between high state institutions, such as the Constitutional Court versus the DPR. For DGB UI, such situations will only damage state life.

"The inevitable consequence is the collapse of state authority, state-high institutions, and law will decline to the nadir point along with the collapse of public trust," said the professor of law who delivered the statement of DGB UI's attitude.

In the same statement, he also mentioned that the actions of political elites in the DPR who wanted to revise the Pilkada Law violated their oath of office as representatives of the people.

"Members of the council who should guard and guarantee the sustainability of the Reformation actually betrayed by refusing to comply with the decision of the Constitutional Court issued to maintain democracy in this country," he said.

He continued to emphasize that the Constitutional Court's decision is final and binding for all, including all high state institutions.

Therefore, there were four pressures made by the professors of the University of Indonesia in their statement of attitude, namely to stop the revision of the Pilkada Law, to act wisely, fairly, and wisely by upholding statesmanship values, asking the KPU to immediately implement the two latest Constitutional Court decisions related to regional elections.

Then, DGB UI also reminded that the state must be fully supported in order to remain strong and strong in carrying out the constitution in accordance with the laws and regulations, and to remind that people's sovereignty is based on Pancasila.

Of the more than 60 professors who approved the statement of attitude, apart from Harkristuti, other professors included Prof. Indang Trihandini, Prof. Siti Setiati, Prof. Dr. Jenny Bashiruddin, Prof. Dr. Budi Sampurna, Prof. Achmad Fauzi Kamal, Prof. Ismail, Prof. Anton Rahardjo, Prof. Sarworini B Budiarjo, Prof. Hanna Bachtiar, Prof. Dicky Joesiana Indriani, Prof. Risqa Rina Darwita, Prof. Sumi Hudiyono PWS, Prof. Titin Siswantining, Prof. Azwar Manaf, Prof. Ivandini Tribidasari Angraningrum, Prof. Terry Mart, and Prof. Yulianto S Nugroho.

Then, there are Prof. Riri Fitri Sar, Prof. Isti Surjandari Prajitno, Prof. Nandy Setiadi Djaya Putra, Prof Nasruddin, Prof. Sulistyowati Suwarno, Prof. Ir Ruslan Prijadi, Prof. Lindawati Gani, Prof. Ratna Wardhani, Prof. Sylvia Veronica Purnama Siregar, Prof. Bambang PS Brodjonegoro, Prof. Bambang Wibawarta, Prof. Dr. Multamia Retno Mayekti Tawangsih, Prof. Agus Aris Munandar, Prof. Muhammad Luthfi, Prof. Maman Lesmana, Prof. Mirra Noor Milla, Prof. Frieda Maryam Mangunsong Siahaan, Prof Farida Kurniawati, and Prof. Ali Nina Liche Seniati.

There are still Prof Adrianus E Meliala, Prof. Donna Ateria, Prof. Bambang Shergi Laksmono, Prof. Valina Singka Subekti, Prof. Soedarsono Hardjosoekarto, Prof. Nurhayati Adnan, Prof. Fatma Lestari, Prof. Evi Martha, Prof. R Budi Haryanto, Prof. Wisnu Jatmiko, Prof. Indra Budi, Prof. Dana Indra Sensuse, Prof. Eko Kuswardono Budiarjo, Prof. Achir Yani S Hamid, Prof. Setyowati, Prof. Krisna Yetti, Prof. Rr Tutik Sri Hariyati, Prof. Yeni Rustina, Prof Hayun, and Prof Yahdiana Harahap.

Other professors of UI who agreed to the statement of attitude were Prof Retnosari Andrajati, Prof. Berna Elya, Prof. Abdul Mun'im, Prof. Eko Prasojo, Prof. Irfan Ridwan Maksum, Prof. Martani Huseini, Prof. Haula Rosdiana, Prof. Manneke Budiman, Prof. Rosali Saleh, and Prof. Reny Hawari.