Dry Mouth Or Xerostomia Serious Symptoms Of Systematic Disease, Recognize How To Overcome It

YOGYAKARTA Dry mouth is experienced in many conditions. Like when you are stressed or in fear, your mouth is bounded and dry. Dry mouth is called xerostomia, which is a common problem and can be an effect of treatment performed to cure certain diseases. But dry mouth can also be a symptom of someone experiencing systemic disease.

Experts say xerostomia is caused by the abnormal function of the saliva gland. A person who experiences it, usually cannot enjoy food completely even though it has a perfect taste. Xerostomia can also become a serious symptom of systemic disease and affect the whole body. Including lupus erite cymatic calculia, arthritis rheumatoid, scleroderma, sarcoidosis, amyloidosis, Sjorgen, Parkinson's disease, diabetes, and hypothyroidism.

Other health conditions whose symptoms are also dry mouth, include anxiety disorders, depression, HIV and AIDS, stroke, and Alzheimer's disease. Dry mouth at night, it can be due to allergies, infection, sleep apnea, or narrowing nose channels. Certain habits can also cause xerostomia, such as dehydration, room air is too dry, so it doesn't keep the mouth and teeth clean enough.

How to deal with dry mouth or xerostomia, among others, by drinking enough water, maintaining oral hygiene, using alcohol-free mouthwash, sugar-free throat moisturizer candy, sugar-free rubber candy, ginger, using indoor air moisturizers, and avoiding habits that dry mouths.

It is important to understand, oral hygiene is related to xerostomia. Because a clean mouth is assumed to be a healthy mouth. Bad mouth health, reported by Medical News Today, Wednesday, August 21, can cause the mouth to dry out. Well, dry mouth can also cause poor mouth health. So to break the chain that has an impact on each other, it is important to always maintain oral hygiene. Like brushing teeth and cleaning a tooth every day. Rinse your mouth with water or mouthwash after eating to help clean food particles.

A simple way to deal with dry mouth then, according to research in 2017, mouthwashing with ginger or drinking ginger help stimulate saliva glands and increase saliva production. That means, in mild cases, xerostomia can be treated with traditional medicine. However, it is worth watching out for symptoms that accompany the dry mouth. If the symptoms do not immediately subside with treatment at home, it is necessary to immediately see a doctor.