The Appointment Of Bahlil As Minister Of Energy And Mineral Resources Is Criticized, What's Wrong?

JAKARTA - Minister of National Development Planning/Head of Bappenas, Andrinof Chaniago criticized the appointment of Bahlil Lahadalia as Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources (ESDM) replacing Arifin Tasrif.

He assessed that the appointment of Bahlil Lahadia as Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources further emphasized President Jokowi's vision of coal mining governance.

"We know that President Jokowi has not heeded the proposal of several observers to change the profit-sharing scheme of coal mining," he said in a statement to the media, Tuesday, August 20.

Andrinof said that the concrete proposal that had been made by observers was to increase the portion of profit sharing for the government, or impose a progressive tax on coal mining products.

"However, President Jokowi not only ignored the proposal, but instead issued a policy of sharing mining business permits for religious organizations," he continued.

He continued, the person who conveyed it to the public when the policy of sharing coal mining business permits for religious organizations was Bahlil, who at that time served as Minister of Investment/Head of the Investment Coordinating Board (BKPM).

Until now, he said, Bahlil had never questioned the huge profit sharing for mining entrepreneurs and was very small for a country that should represent the interests of the people.

"Baflil's perspective on the wealth of the country's natural resources also contains the spirit of spending or being exploitative. He used the argument that Indonesia's coal reserves were still large. In fact, Indonesia does not include the top 10 coal reserve owners," explained Andrinof.

He considered, Bahlil closed his eyes that Indonesia is the most exploitative country in taking and exporting coal, and becoming the number one coal exporting country in the world.

"Therefore, with the large role of people like Bahlil in the mining world, there should be doubt about his commitment to a just economy and which prioritizes people's right to natural resources," concluded Andrinof.