Through the Film Kuasa Gelap (Dominion of Darkness), Robert Ronny Realizes the First Catholic Horror Film in Indonesia
JAKARTA - Paragon Pictures presents their latest horror film entitled Kuasa Gelap (Dominion of Darkness). The film, directed by Bobby Prasetyo, is an adaptation of a true story and the desire of producer Robert Ronny to make a Catholic horror film.
"This project was prepared since 2018. It took 4 years to develop it. One of the challenges is whether we believe the audience can accept this film. How to communicate it," said Andi Boediman, one of the producers at a press conference on Tuesday, August 20.
"I watched the exorcism film on a private TV station. Actually, I'm not someone who likes horror. Only a few things scare me. Because I'm Catholic, I'm obsessed so I watch it, read the novel. I thought when will Indonesia make something like that but realistic because Indonesia is predominantly Muslim," said Robert Ronny as the producer.
"I'm not a priest, I don't do exorcism but because I made a film I found out about this," he continued.
Jerome Kurnia and Lukman Sardi are trusted to be the main characters in this film. They play the role of priests who are faced with an exorcism case.
“The process of becoming (Father) Thomas was facilitated very well and sufficiently. Every day we met with the Father and professor who was permitted by the Vatican to perform exorcism. Every day we met like a class. It was really fun. A new experience for me,” said Jerome Kurnia.
“For me, this is something new, how to play the character of a Father that I never imagined. The good thing about being an actor is that we always have new experiences and lessons,” said Lukman Sardi.
The film Kuasa Gelap became a calling for Robert Ronny to make a Catholic horror film that is different from horror films in Indonesia.
“It took time to ask for permission from the Catholic church, but my intention was not for money but there was a calling for this film. Not for the exploitation of religion,” said Robert Ronny.
The film Kuasa Gelap tells the story of Father Thomas (Jerome Kurnia) who is traumatized by the loss of his family. When assigned to perform an exorcism by Father Rendra (Lukman Sardi) for a woman named Kayla (Lea Ciarachel), Father Thomas faces something that threatens his beliefs and life.
The film also stars Astrid Tiar, Delia Husein, and Freya JKT48. Kuasa Gelap will be shown in Indonesian cinemas starting October 3, 2024.