Minister Of Transportation Budi: Innovations In The Railway Sector Need To Continue

Minister of Transportation (Menhub) Budi Karya Sumadi said innovation in the railway sector is something that needs to be done, along with the development and advancement of transportation technology.

In addition, it is also necessary to adjust the regulations.

"Of course we think about what innovations will come because the world is so advanced. What we build such asPORTory and Autonomous Rail Transit (ART) is a new technology that is not much in other countries," he said in an official statement, Tuesday, August 20.

"A lot of work needs to be done. We have to prepare the technology, make regulations, and so on," he continued.

Currently, continued Budi, the Ministry of Transportation is trying to realize the mandate of Law Number 23 of 2007 concerning Railways, namely realizing an inclusive, open, and highly competitive railway sector.

"We continue to review existing regulations, so that they can continue to be relevant to technological developments, so we hope to form a good ecosystem for the growth of this sector," he said.

In addition, Budi also reminded the importance of collaboration and synergy between stakeholders in overcoming challenges in building the railway sector.

We see that there is nothing that can be done alone. We have to collaborate, work hand in hand, we respect operators, Bappenas, Kemenkeu, Ministry of PUPR as a partner. I advise friends in the regions, be close to the community, with local governments, operators, so that what we do becomes easy and you will enjoy if the collaboration happens," he said.

On this occasion, Budi also appreciated the achievements of the Directorate General of Railways in building infrastructure for the past decade.

The achievements referred to include the South Java Doubles Train Line, Minangkabau International Airport Train, South Sumatra LRT, and YIA Airport Train.

Then, the Yogyakarta-Solo-Palur electrification, the Jabodebek LRT, the Makassar Parepare train, the Lebak Bulus-Bundaran HI MRT, the Jakarta-Bandung High Speed Train, the IKN Autonomous Rapid Transit (ART), and the Adi Soemarmo Airport Solo Train.

"We should be proud because we always decorate train infrastructure and facilities, which I say are loved by the community," he said.

"All of this will be impossible to achieve without dedication and commitment in carrying out my duties. Therefore, I appreciate all the efforts that have been devoted to building the railway sector," he added.