Employees At Bali Airport Strike Work, InJourney Airports Boss: Operational Runs Normal

JAKARTA - InJourney Airports President Director Faik Fahmi said the operation of I Gusti Ngurah Rai International Airport, Bali, was running normally, despite the strike action of hundreds of employees of PT Angkasa Pura Supports (APS).

"It is certain that the airport operates safely, normally, operates normally, we have held press conferences and all kinds of things," said Faik when met at the Sarinah building, Central Jakarta, written Tuesday, August 20.

Faik ensured that airport operations, including flights, would continue to run normally.

Even so, Faik was reluctant to explain further about the issue of a strike by an employee of the Injourney Aviation Services (IAS) Group.

"Not bothered at all (flight) is safe," he said.

For your information, hundreds of APS employees stationed at Ngurah Rai Airport, Bali have gone on strike because of the employment status case.

Where the conflict began when APS employees questioned the existence of a decree (SK) that employees were still considered the same as a certain or temporary work time system.

Employees who are members of the APS Independent Workers Union (SPM) Denpasar also plan to go on strike for the next three days.

Previously, Branch Manager of APS Denpasar Djoko Setyo Pursadi said that the operations of Bandata Internasional I Gusti Ngurah Rai were still running as usual.

According to him, there are no obstacles in the implementation of services to airport service users in Denpasar.