Violence In The Police Environment, Must Be Charged With Criminal Law

JAKARTA - Video footage showing a police officer violence against three other policemen has gone viral on social media. The incident is said to have occurred at the Padang Pariaman Police yard.

This 15-second video recording shows three policemen in uniform sitting upright. They were beaten with black objects and kicked by another police officer.

West Sumatra Regional Police Head of Public Relations Kombes Stefanus Satake Bayu Setianto confirmed the incident. The violence, he said, took place on Thursday, March 26.

As a result of the violence, one in three victims suffered serious injuries to the neck and in the hospital.

"One of the non-commissioned officers who was brought to the hospital had bruises on his neck but now he is fine," said Stefanus, Thursday, March 26.

Meanwhile, the police officers who carried out the maltreatment, he said, were being questioned by the West Sumatra Police Propam. He ensured that when a violation occurred, the person would be punished. Now, the person who is an officer has languished behind bars.

"In accordance with the direction of the National Police, this issue is a concern and will be dealt with firmly," said Stefanus.

Commissioner of the National Police Commission (Kompolnas) Andrea Poeloengan emphasized that the actions of these police officers have fulfilled the elements of abuse as regulated in Article 351 of the Criminal Code so that they are penalized.

Andrea added that the reason the police officers took this action to discipline the three victims was unacceptable. Therefore, these police officers must be given strict punishment, not just taking action against disciplinary violations.

"The act in question is an alleged criminal act of persecution, whatever the reason," said Andrea.

When the police officers reasoned that they had committed this action because of the superiors' orders, Propam would investigate the issuer of the order in accordance with Article 55 paragraph 1 KHUP.

In addition, Andrea highlighted the recorders of acts of persecution who were suspected of being members of the National Police. Andrea said, the video recorder must receive protection as a measure to anticipate any intervention.

"One more thing, those who record and neutralize should be positioned as a Whistle Blower and I hope that LPSK will come down to handle this case, especially protecting those who record and put it on line," said Andrea.