Dozens Of Cafe Visitors In Cianjur Arrested After Positive For Drugs

Cianjur Police, West Java arrested 14 visitors to one of the cafes on the evening of August 17. Those who were arrested were proven positive for taking drugs after undergoing a urine test by the authorities.

Kasat Narkoba Polres Cianjur AKP Septian Pratama di Cianjur, Minggu, mengatakan tes urine dilakukan dalam operasi Kegiatan Rutin yang Ditingkatkan (KRYD) di sejumlah tempat hiburan malam dan kafe yang mengadakan aneka kegiatan, termasuk pemenasan Disk Jocky (DJ).

"Hundreds of cafe visitors were examined for their luggage and underwent a urine test, the results were 14 people who tested positive for drugs and illegal drugs," he said as quoted by ANTARA.

Dozens of people underwent further examination at the Cianjur Police Station, in order to develop their case, whether they are just users or are involved as dealers and reveal dealers who sell illicit goods to users.

In fact, his party will deploy members in coordination with the police to conduct raids and operations in a number of places to eliminate the circulation of drugs and illegal drugs in Cianjur.

"We are developing the case up to arresting the dealer or dealer, so that Cianjur is free from drug trafficking and illegal drugs," he said.

He also asked the public to help eradicate drug and drug trafficking by reporting when they find suspicious activities in the neighborhood where they live.

So far, he said, his party has been greatly helped from public reports, so that the space for perpetrators and drug dealers as well as illegal drugs in Cianjur have been arrested whose cases continue to be developed.

"We will continue to hold KRYD at a number of points randomly, in order to suppress various public diseases in Cianjur," he said.