The Suspected Drug Courier Was Arrested By The North Sumatra Police, Caught Bringing 5Kg Of Crystal Methamphetamine

The North Sumatra Police have arrested a resident of Medan Kota Subdistrict, Medan, who is suspected of being a courier of 5 kilograms of methamphetamine. The 36-year-old man with the initials DK was secured with evidence and a vehicle unit.

"The confiscated evidence is in the form of five plastic packages containing methamphetamine with a total weight of five kilograms, one motorbike and another," said Head of Public Relations of the North Sumatra Police, Kombes Pol Hadi Wahyudi in Medan, as reported by ANTARA, Sunday, August 18.

Hadi continued that the arrest began with information that someone was carrying drugs on Jalan Lintas Sumatra, Besitang District, Langkat Regency.

In addition, personnel from Sub-Directorate III of the North Sumatra Police's Narcotics Investigation Directorate arrested DK, who is a resident of Pasar Merah Village, Medan Kota District, Medan, at that location, Friday (16/8).

"When the arrest was made, the perpetrator resisted, as a result the police were forced to shoot him in the leg to paralyze him," said Hadi.

The former Head of the Biak Resort Police (Polres), Papua, said that from the results of the initial interrogation, the perpetrator received the methamphetamine from someone with the initials E in Langsa, Aceh.

"The item is planned to be handed over to someone who is currently being chased by the police," said the Head of Public Relations.

Hadi emphasized that the North Sumatra Police would not hesitate to take firm and measured action against drug criminals in their jurisdiction.

Not only that, the North Sumatra Police and their ranks continue to hold operations to eradicate drugs and try to separate these communities and drugs such as water and oil, so that the goods are increasingly narrow.