Galunggung Purba Crater, Sacred Location Of Independence Ceremony Every August 17

JAKARTA - The commemoration of the Independence Day of the Republic of Indonesia which is celebrated in various ways by people throughout the country. One of the unique celebrations was carried out by an expedition team led by Inspector General Purn. Anton Charliyan, who is familiarly called Abah H Anton. Since 2017, Abah Anton has routinely held independence ceremonies at the top of Mount Galunggung and Batu Ampar.

The selection of the Purba Galunggung Crater as the location of the ceremony was not without reason. Abah Anton, who also serves as Chairman of the Central PWI Advisory Council, explained that this decision was based on the Ancient Galuh Script from 1518 AD.

The manuscript mandates: "Keep Galunggung Regency from being controlled by foreigners. If Rajaputra is unable to protect it, it will be more despicable than the shell carcasses in the trash." This mandate emphasizes the importance of protecting the Galunggung region as a form of love for the homeland and respect for ancestral heritage.

According to Abah Anton, his views were supported by various experts, including Prof. Agus Aris Munandar, Prof. Puji Astuti Point, Dr. UU Darsa, and Dr. Elis Suryani. They agree that the mandate in the Ancient Galunggung Mandate Script describes the concept of love for the homeland.

Of the many mountains in Tatar Galuh Sundanese, only Mount Galunggung is specifically called protected.

This mandate comes from the Sunda Galuh Maharaja, Prabu Darmaksiksa, who ruled in 1175 AD in Pakuan Bogor. This manuscript is then widely known as the Ancient Galunggung Mandate Script. Therefore, the community in Tatar Sundanese, which consists of cultural observers, elders, and tarekat scholars, routinely carries out the commemoration ceremony on August 17 at Mount Galunggung, "explained Abah Anton in a written statement received on Saturday, August 17.

This year, the Galunggung expedition team again held a ceremony at the top of the Purba Galunggung Crater, which is at an altitude of about 2,300 meters above sea level, well above the green crater today. This ceremony is also supported by Babad Sukapura Galuh, who mentioned that "Eyang Kuncung Putih," Galunggung's main elder, is in the Purba Crater.

This year's expedition team consists of seven people: Hadi Permana (Team Chairman), Dadang Ruslian, Apon Sumuati, Rifai Nasution, Ili Sumantri, Andi Setiawan, Edih Abdul Rahman, and RT Suryana.

They managed to fly the Red and White flag on August 17 at 10.00 WIB. In addition to holding the ceremony, the team also repaired the Purba Crater Kabuyutan Monument which was previously damaged by irresponsible climbers.

Abah Anton appealed to climbers and nature lovers to guard and maintain the monument. This monument was made by the Galunggung expedition team consisting of Gasantana, Lintas Budaya Nusantara, Forum Sunda Sabuana, and Batu Ampar Galunggung.

When asked why the independence ceremony was always held in Purba Galunggung and Batu Ampar Crater, Abah H. Anton explained that the mandate from the ancient manuscript was very clear.

The area that must be guarded is the core of the Galunggung and Batu Ampar Purba Crater, which is the end of the ditch by Queen Galunggung Batary Hyang in 1111 AD. Therefore, the ceremony was only held in these two places as a form of respect for ancestral heritage.

"Hopefully all parties can understand and respect this reason," concluded Abah Anton.