The Pair Willem Wandik-Aloysius Unggul In The Central Papua Pilkada Survey

JAKARTA - The West Timor Research Center (TBRC) released the results of the latest survey regarding the election of Candidates for Governor (Cagub) and Candidates for Deputy Governor (Cawagub) of Central Papua. The survey results show that the Willem Wandik-Aloyius Giyai pair has the potential to win in the 2024 Central Papua Pilkada.

TBRC Executive Director Johanes Romeo said the electability of the future cagub and cawagub Willem Wandik-Aloysias Giyai was 62.7 percent. Meanwhile, the other candidate pair, Meky Nawipa-Deynas Geley, only got 12.4 percent.

"Following the Natkime Natuni-Titus Natuni pair at 12.2 percent and the Jhon Wempi Wetipo-Ausilius Youw pair at 8.3 percent, while not choosing 4.4 percent," Johanes said in a statement released by the survey on Sunday, August 18.

In the simulation of the 4 names of candidates for the governor of Central Papua who were offered to respondents to be elected as Governor of Central Papua, Johanes continued, the result was that Willem Wandik received 60.3 percent support, followed by Natalis Tabuni 14.2 percent, Meky Nawipa 12.6 percent, Jhon Wempi Wetipo 8.2 percent, and did not vote 4.7 percent.

"In the simulation of 4 names that have the potential to advance to become candidates for deputy governor of Central Papua, including Aloysias Giyai, Deynas Geley, andten Natkime. Of these three figures, the electability rate of Aloysias Giyai, nicknamed the father of Papua's health, has an electability rate of 61.8 percent," said Johanes.

"ThenARD Natkime 13.7 percent, Deynas Geley 11.2 percent, Ausilius Youw 5.1 percent, and the rest 8.2 percent did not vote," he continued.

According to Johanes, the high electability of the Willem Wandik-Aloysias Giyai pair has a significant relationship with a very high level of popularity and acceptability compared to the Meky Nawipa-Deynas Geley pair and the Natkime Natuni-Titus Natkime Natuni couple,

"Where Willem Wandik was known when he became the populist and popular Puncak Regent in Papua and National. On social media such as Tiktok,Willem Wandik uploaded many videos of his videos containing his work and activities as Regent of Puncak," said Johanes.

Moreover, added Johanes, only Willem Wandik regent in Papua uses Tiktok as a communication medium with the people on the island of Papua. Likewise with Aloysias Giyai who is popular as a Papuan health figure, where so far he has always fought for indigenous Papuans (OAP) and fulfilled health.

"Aloysias Giyai's name became a public conversation when since serving as Director of the Abepura Hospital in 2009, he succeeded in changing the face of the slum hospital to the best hospital in Papua," concludedJohanes.

The TBRC survey was conducted on August 5-15, 2024, involving 1,450 respondents through face-to-face interviews using a qualifier. The margin of error of +/-2.57 percent at a 95 percent confidence level through the sampling method is multistage random sampling.