After Being Paroled Today, Jessica Wongso Must Report Until 2032
The Directorate General of Corrections at the Ministry of Law and Human Rights (Ditjen Pas Kemenkumham) stated that the convict in the murder case of Wayan Mirna Salihin, Jessica Kumala Wongso, was conditional free starting Sunday, August 18, 2024. As a conditionally free convict, he said, Jessica was still required to report and undergo guidance until 2032. "Inmates on behalf of Jessica Kumala Wongso get PB (conditional release) based on the Decree of the Minister of Law and Rights "Human Asasi (Menkumham) RI Number: PAS-1703.PK.05.09 of 2024," said Head of the Public Relations Working Group of the Directorate General of PAS Deddy Eduar Eka Saputra, Sunday 18 August. The granting of conditional exemption rights to Jessica in accordance with Minister of Law and Human Rights Regulation Number 7 of 2022 concerning the Second Amendment to Regulation of the Minister of Law and Human Rights Number 3 of 2018 concerning Terms and Procedures for Granting Remission, Assimilation, Leave to Visit Family, Conditional Release, Pre-emptive Leave, and Conditional Leave. As "The convict who is free of condition, he said, Jessica is still required to report and undergo guidance until 2032. During PB (conditional release), the person concerned is obliged to report to the Class I Penitentiary in East Jakarta-North Jakarta and will undergo guidance until March 27, 2032," explained Eduar. Eduar said Jessica began detention since June 30, 2016 after being entangled in the murder case of Article 340 of the Criminal Code. He was sentenced to 20 years in prison based on the Cassation decision Supreme Court Number: 498 K/PID/2017 dated June 21, 2017. Jessica then served a sentence at the Class IIA Women's Correctional Institution Jakarta. During his sentence, he has behaved well based on the inmate's coaching assessment system with a total of 58 months and 30 days of remission," said Eduar. Previously, Jessica was found guilty of the murder of Wayan Mirna Salihin on January 6, 2016. Mirna died after drinking Vietnamese coffee ice ordered Jessica at Olivier Cafe, Grand Indonesia, Jakarta. Jessica was named a suspect in the alleged murder of Mirna on January 29, 2016. However, Jessica had disappeared from her residence and was finally arrested on January 30, 2016 at the Neo Mangga Dua Square Hotel, Jakarta. Then, the Central Jakarta District Court heard Jessica's case from June 15, 2016 to October 27, 2016. The panel of judges chaired by Kisworo decided that Jessica was proven to have committed premeditated murder based on Articles 340 of the Criminal Code and sentenced to 20 years in prison.
Against the verdict, Jessica filed an appeal. In March 2017, the DKI Jakarta High Court decided to reject Jessica's appeal and upheld the decision of the Central Jakarta District Court. Gagal at the appeal level, Jessica filed an appeal. However, in June 2017, Jessica's appeal was also rejected by the Supreme Court, so she still had to serve a 20-year prison sentence.