Ministry Of PUPR: Until July The One Million Houses Capai Program 617,622 Units

JAKARTA - The Ministry of Public Works and Public Housing (PUPR) noted that the achievement of the One Million Houses Program (PSR) until the end of July 2024 had reached 617,622 units or around 59.23 percent of the total national target.

"We are optimistic that the One Million Houses Program (PSR), which is one of the National Strategic Programs, continues to increase and provides many benefits for the people of Indonesia who need a decent home. PSR is also one of the government's breakthroughs as an effort to reduce the housing backlog in Indonesia," said Director General of Housing of the Ministry of PUPR Iwan Suprijanto in Jakarta, Saturday.

PSR is an acceleration and collaboration movement between the government and housing development actors in providing decent housing for the community.

The housing development program, which was launched by the President of the Republic of Indonesia, Joko Widodo, on April 29, 2015 in Central Java with the achievement from 2015 to 2023 of 9,206,379 units.

"The achievement of PSR July 2024 is 617,622 units or 59,23 percent of the total national target. This figure includes development achievements for low-income people (MBR) of 484,119 units and non-MBR of 133,503 units throughout Indonesia," said Iwan.

Furthermore, he explained that in general, the performance of collecting data on the One Million Houses Program and the realization of the construction of a million houses in July tended to increase.

This is illustrated by the comparison of year on year PSR achievements in July 2024 of 617,622 units which increased compared to PSR's achievement in July 2023, which was 585,604 units.

"For this reason, it is necessary to support data on the realization of house construction and improve the quality of houses from the Directorate of Self-Help Houses, the Directorate of Flats, and the Directorate of Special Houses every month," he said.

From the data compiled by the Directorate of Public and Commercial Houses (RUK), the progress of PSR until July 31, 2024, consists of the construction of 484,119 houses for MBR houses.

The construction of his house was carried out by the Ministry of PUPR 121,738 units, other Ministries/Institutions 8,345 units, PT SMF 72,582 units, regional governments 11,898 units.

In addition, the construction of houses carried out by non-FLPP developers is 266,086 units, housing Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) 66 units and the community is 3,404 units.

Meanwhile, 133,503 non-MBR houses were implemented by non-MBR developers as many as 129,745 units and 3,758 units of community.

"We believe that towards the end of 2024, the number of PSR achievements can exceed the number of one million units. Because currently the process of building houses in the field is also being carried out and the needs of decent housing by the community are also continuing to increase," said Iwan.