Google Drive Now Can Save Documents Scanned As JPEG

JAKARTA In addition to storing documents, Google Drive can be used as a scanner or a tool for scanning physical documents. Any scanned documents will be directly stored in cloud storage.

However, the scanned document format is still limited to PDF. If users want to save it in JPEG or PNG format, they need to use a document changer tool from a third party. This method will usually take time.

To make it easier to scan and store in image format, Google launched a new format to its cloud storage platform. Starting last August 16, users can save physical documents scanned in JPEG format.

"This week, we are excited to announce that users can now choose to save files scanned as PDF or JPEG," Google said via the Workspace update page.

This new format will be available to all Google Workspace subscribers, Individual Workspace subscribers, and regular users with private accounts. If this format is not yet available, Drive users will still have to wait for the next 15 days.

"Launching will not take more than 15 working days to complete if it is launched into the Release of Fast and Scheduled Simultaneously. Otherwise, each launch stage will not take more than 15 working days to complete," Google explained.