PDIP Cap Dharma-Kun Wardana Candidates For Dolls In The Jakarta Gubernatorial Election
The Secretary General of the PDI-P (PDIP) Hasto Kristiyanto has smelled the candidate pair for the Governor-Deputy Governor of DKI Jakarta for the individual route, Dharma Pongrekun-Kun Wardana as a candidate for puppet.
This was revealed by Hasto when the alleged profiteering of the population identification number (NIK) of a number of Jakarta residents became supporters of Dharma-Kun. In fact, said Hasto, there were PDIP cadres whose NIKs were also painted.
"We also see that we are identifying from within PDIP whose ID cards are used for the purpose of creating potential dolls," said Hasto at the PDIP DPP Party School, Lenteng Agung, South Jakarta.
The cadre who found his NIK to be a supporter of Dharma-Kun is the Chairman of the East Jakarta PDIP Branch Leadership Council (DPC) Dwi Rio Sambodo.
Even so, Hasto emphasized that PDIP would not report this to the police, because the victims were individuals.
"Those who report to the people now. This is what people per person use, not the PDI-P. Yes, so people per person," said Hasto.
From this problem, Hasto considered that actually Dharma-Kun was a candidate pair who was deliberately promoted in the Jakarta Pilkada based on a specific scenario to prevent the risk of certain candidate pairs losing to empty boxes.
"There are mobilization efforts that seem to create made-up potential opponents. So, the people will definitely move when they see irregularities, so that democracy should not be put in shackles just because of the interests of power," he said.
The DKI Jakarta General Election Commission (KPU) announced that the Dharma Pongrekun-Kun Wardana pair passed the results of the second factual verification on the condition of support to register as Jakarta cagub-cawagub.
Dharma-Kun is said to have the support of 677,486 residents who have been declared by the KPU to meet the requirements. Their number of supporters exceeds the minimum limit of the Jakarta cagub-cawagub support requirements for individual routes of 618,968 people.
Chairman of the DKI Jakarta KPU Wahyu Dinata said that Dharma-Kun was declared eligible to register as a candidate pair for governor and deputy governor of DKI Jakarta on an independent path.
"Pak Dharma Pongrekun dan Kun Wardana memenuhi syarat sebagai bakal pasangan calon gubernur dan wakil gubernur untuk 27 November mendatang," kata Wahyu di Kantor KPU DKI Jakarta, Jakarta Pusat, Kamis, 16 Agustus.
The day after the announcement, a number of people admitted that their NIK was used as a supporter of Dharma-Kun. This was revealed on social media after they checked their NIK on the page www.infopemilu.kpu.go.id/voting/check_supporter.
In fact, former DKI Jakarta Governor Anies Baswedan admitted that his family and relatives were also used by his NIK as supporters of Dharma-Kun.
In fact, they were never asked to support the individual path pair. Also, never hand over his ID card as a form of support to the Dharma-Kun Wardana team.
"Alhamdulillah, my ID card is safe. But the ID cards of two children, younger siblings, as well as some of the teams working together were also included in the list of supporters of independent candidates," Anies explained in the account X @aniesbaswedan.