Minister Of Education And Culture Nadiem: Budget Ceiling 2025 Focuses On Fulfilling Teacher Welfare Needs

JAKARTA - Minister of Education, Culture, Research and Technology (Kemendikbudristek) Nadiem Anwar Makarim explained that the ministry will use the 2025 budget ceiling to focus on meeting the needs and welfare of teachers and educators.

"About 11 percent of the total education budget allocation in the 2025 RAPBN, or 83.19 trillion, will focus on improving the quality of education services, especially to meet the needs of teachers and educators, as well as improving their quality and welfare," Nadiem said at the Press Conference on the Draft State Revenue and Expenditure Budget and the 2025 FY Note in Jakarta as reported by ANTARA, Friday, August 16.

As for the second priority, his party will increase access to educational services and several superior programs of the Ministry of Education and Culture, such as the Smart Indonesia Program and Affirmation Scholarships for 3T (advantaged, frontier, and outermost) areas.

The third priority program, he continued, will focus on improving the quality of relevance and competitiveness of higher education, including through improvements to the Merdeka Campus Program.

In addition, his party will also prioritize improving the quality of vocational education programs, such as the Center for Excellence Vocational School Program. The last priority programs are the advancement of culture, language, and literature.

As is known, President Joko Widodo in his speech on the submission of the State Budget Bill for Fiscal Year 2025 and Financial Notes at the DPR RI Plenary Session for the 2024-2025 Session Year stated that the total allocation of the education budget of IDR 722.6 trillion will be allocated for several priority programs for the elected president.

Some of these programs include improving the nutrition of school children, renovating schools, and developing excellent schools. In addition, the education budget is also for expanding scholarship programs, advancing culture, strengthening world-class universities, as well as for research development.