Jokowi: Indonesia's Medium-Term Strategy Directed Towards A Sustainable Economy

JAKARTA - President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) revealed that Indonesia's medium-term strategy will be directed to accelerate economic transformation towards inclusive and sustainable economic growth.

Jokowi said that to realize this inclusive and sustainable economic growth, superior, productive, innovative, and competitive Human Resources (HR) were needed.

"Through quality education, free nutritious food, and school renovations, as well as quality health, and social protection," he said in a speech delivering the government's statement on the 2025 State Budget Bill, at the DPR Building, Parliament Complex, Jakarta, Friday, August 16.

Second, continued Jokowi, it is necessary to strengthen downstreaming and green transformation to increase economic activity with high added value, low emissions, and export-oriented.

"Third, increasing inclusiveness and fairness, to realize equitable welfare for all levels of society throughout Indonesia," he said.

Fourth, said Jokowi, to continue infrastructure development as a supporter of economic transformation. Especially infrastructure development in the fields of education, food, energy, and connectivity.

"Fifth, the establishment of the implementation of bureaucratic reform and simplification of regulations," he explained.

Sixth, continued Jokowi, it is necessary to increase the creative economy and entrepreneurship through empowerment and increase access to capital for MSMEs.

"The seventh, strengthening Defense and Security as well as food and energy independence. Finally, strengthening Nationalism, Democracy, as well as respecting and upholding human rights," he said.