Danamon Enlivens 68th Anniversary With The CSR Tour D'Banking Program, Introducing Banking Activities To Students

JAKARTA - In celebration of its 68th anniversary, PT Bank Danamon Indonesia Tbk (Danamon) held a Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) program entitled Tour D'Banking. This program aims to introduce banking activities and sustainable behavior to students as part of Danamon's commitment to the Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) initiative.

In Indonesia, the issue of sustainability has not been too popular to be introduced from an early age, both conceptually and daily implementation. Environmental Performance Index (EPI) which assesses the issue of sustainability from various aspects shows that Indonesia is still ranked 162 out of 180 countries surveyed. Meanwhile, based on data from the Central Statistics Agency (BPS), the population of Indonesia post-Gen Z (born in 2013 and beyond) amounted to around 10.88 percent, which indicates that their role in the future Indonesian economy is very important.

Dr. Rosdiana Setianingrum, a specialist psychologist in child and family problems, emphasized that childhood is a golden period to build habits and mindsets that will be carried throughout life. Socialization of financial education, environment, and disaster from an early age is important in shaping their knowledge and views on sustainability issues and developing positive and responsible habits.

On this basis, the education sector, which consists of students, parents of students, teachers, and school management, is one of the communities that Danamon targets in developing its social responsibility program, one of which is related to literacy. Danamon launched the Tour D Banking program which invited students to visit Danamon branches.

Program yang merupakan elaborasi program Mini Banking sebelumnya ini bertujuan untuk memperkenalkan literasi keuangan, literasi lingkungan, dan literasi kebencanaan serta memberikan edukasi tentang produk dan aktivitas perbankan. Program ini juga sesuai dengan Peraturan Otoritas Jasa Keuangan Nomor 3 Tahun 2023 tentang Peningkatan Literasi dan Inclusi Keuangan di Sektor Jasa Keuangan bagi Konsumen dan Masyarakat.

Tour D'Banking was held in several stages, where the first stage was held at the Danamon Putri Hijau Medan Branch Office in August-September 2024, involving around 270 students from three schools, namely St. Antonius Elementary School (SD), Edu Prime School, Kindergarten (TK) and SD Al Washliyah. In this activity, Danamon collaborated with Gramedia who introduced financial literacy series books in the form of comics that are easy to digest by children.

Abdul Hadi, Head of Sustainability Finance of PT Bank Danamon Indonesia Tbk, stated that Tour D'Banking is one of the initiatives to provide education about sustainability from an early age to students.

"We believe that this education is important to form a generation that cares more about the environment and is more responsible for managing their finances," he said in a written statement, Friday, August 16.

CSR programs at the moment of Danamon's 68th anniversary reflect Danamon's commitment to supporting green energy and environmental conservation in Indonesia to reduce carbon footprint and contribute to the community. Danamon is committed to continuing to provide the best for society and the environment, in line with the company's vision to grow together and provide comprehensive financial solutions.