Electric Car Special Tire: Should It Be? This Is What The Experts Say From Wuling Motors

JAKARTA - Electric cars are now increasingly popular around the world, including in Indonesia. The presence of various new brands gives consumers more choices. However, there is one interesting question that often arises when talking about electric cars: what about the tires?

As it turns out, there are some important differences to note. Some tire manufacturers even launched tires specifically for electric cars. But, is this tire really different from the one used in gasoline or diesel (Internal Combustion Engine/ICE) cars?

"In general, there are no special parameters that must be on electric car tires," said Alfons, Product Planning from Wuling Motors, when met in Bogor, West Java, on Thursday, August 15.

"However, electric car tires are usually designed with lower noise levels and are equipped with additional foams for convenience," he continued.

Danang Wiratmoko, Alfons' partner at Product Planning Wuling Motors, added that there is a small difference in the rolling resistance between electric car tires and ICE-engined cars.

"This rolling resistance can affect the distance traveled of vehicles," he said.

Even so, Danang emphasized that ICE car tires can still be used on electric cars, and vice versa.

"As long as the size is right, ICE tires can be applied to electric cars, although there are small differences in rolling resistance which can slightly affect the distance. However, these differences are not significant," explained Danang further.

Danang also emphasized that there is no special treatment in terms of changing tires on electric cars or ICE.

"The structure of the legs on electric and non-electric cars is similar. The process of changing tires is the same, only in electric cars, the position of the jack must be adjusted because of the battery," he concluded.