Ethereum Developers Ready To Implement Pectra Upgrade

JAKARTA - Ethereum, a leading blockchain network, is projected to experience a major update with the launch of the hard fork Pectra scheduled for later this year or early next year.

This update, known as the EVM Object Format (EOF), is part of the Ethereum Improvement Proposal (EIP) and is expected to bring significant changes to the Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM), which has been the backbone of the Ethereum smart contract ecosystem since its launch in 2015.

The EOF is designed to increase the efficiency and security of smart contract development on Ethereum. This update includes a number of minor changes aimed at making development more accessible and more secure, especially for developers who use Solidity and Vyper programming languages.

One of the main features of the EOF is the addition of a new version of the EVM that allows developers to choose the appropriate version when applying their code. This step is expected to provide a safety net for the old contract so that it remains functional even though the new version is applied.

Despite promising many benefits, the EOF proposal apparently sparked debate among Ethereum developers themselves. Several developers, including Marius Van Der Wijden, are concerned about potential risks from the maintenance of several versions of EVM, which could add to the burden on developers and networks. Van Der Wijden noted, "If there is a bug in verification, it could cause unexpected damage."

Pectra's update, which includes 11 Ethereum Improvement Proposals (EIPs) related to the EOF, marks a new chapter in Ethereum's evolution. Danno Ferrin, contributor to Ethereum Besu's client team, expressed optimism that EOF is ready to launch, saying that this update will settle existing technical debts from the start.

With Pectra's hard fork, Ethereum is trying to maintain its position as a leading smart contract blockchain, while continuing to innovate and maintain network stability.