Firmly, Hendry Ch Bangun Announces The Freeze Of PWI Provincial Jakarta And Six Provinces Given Strong Warning

JAKARTA - The General Chairperson of the Central Indonesian Journalists Association (PWI), Hendry Ch Bangun, took firm steps by freezing the Provincial PWI in several regions. This decision was taken as an effort to enforce discipline and compliance in organizing in the PWI environment.

"We have frozen one PWI Province, namely PWI Jaya (Jakarta)," said Hendry at the Central PWI Secretariat, Press Council Building, Kebon Sirih, Jakarta, Thursday (15/8/2024).

The freeze is based on Article 8 letter a of the Basic Regulation, which requires young members and ordinary members of PWI to comply with PD, PRT, KEJ, KPW, as well as organizational decisions. "We have given the first warning letter to PWI DKI Jakarta on July 22, 2024, and the second commemoration on August 6, 2024," added Hendry.

This decision also refers to the Basic Regulation and Household Regulation (PRT) of PWI, as well as the Decree of the Central Executive Board No. 251-PLP/PP-PWI/2024 concerning the Central Board of PWI for the 2023-2028 term of service, which was decided at the PWI Central Management Plenary Meeting on August 5, 2024. "The decision to freeze PWI of DKI Jakarta Province for the 2024-2029 term of service is contained in Decree Number 253-PLP/PP-PWI/2024," said Hendry.

Along with the suspension, the Central PWI appointed the Acting PWI of DKI Jakarta Province with a term of 6 months. Ariandono Dijan Winardi was appointed as Acting Chair, Bernadus Wilson Lumi as Secretary, and Abdilah Pahresi as Treasurer. "This Plt has full authority and responsibility like the definitive management. They are also tasked with preparing an Extraordinary Conference to elect the new Chairman and Chairman of the Provincial Honorary Council within a maximum of 6 months," explained Hendry.

In addition to freezing the PWI of DKI Jakarta Province, the Central PWI has issued a stern warning letter to six Provincial PWIs. The Head of the Regional Development Division, Harris Sadikin, revealed that the giving of a stern warning had gone through various considerations. In fact, it is possible that if a stern warning letter is ignored, a frozen decision will be taken.

"We will soon hold a meeting to decide on the suspension of other Provincial PWI Management," Harris said. He added that the suspension of provincial PWI management will be carried out, because the Central PWI has given a stern warning to six other Provincial PWI Management, namely:

1. Management of PWI Bangka-Belitung Province2. Management of PWI Riau Province3. Management of PWI West Java Province4. Management of PWI Lampung Province5. Management of PWI West Sumatra Province6. Management of PWI East Java Province

This decision was taken to ensure that all PWI organizations at the provincial level continue to comply with the regulations that have been set and maintain integrity in carrying out their duties.