Increase Universal Coverage, BPJS Ketenagakerjaan DKI Jakarta Regional Office Launching Racing Shield And Shield School

JAKARTA - BPJS Ketenagakerjaan DKI Jakarta Regional Office launching rate for Indonesian social security drivers (Perisai) and shielding schools in Jakarta, Wednesday, August 14. The launching activity was attended by 100 shield agents and was immediately inaugurated by the Head of the DKI Jakarta BPJS Ketenagakerjaan Regional Office, Deny Yusyulian.

In his remarks, Deny said that this activity was aimed at increasing the coverage of the protection of employment social security, especially in the Non-Wage Recipient segment through the acquisition by the Perisai BPJS Employment Agency Agency, as well as increasing the productivity of the Employment BPJS Shield Agent.

"We want to encourage shielding agents, especially in the DKI Jakarta Region to become a formidable and successful shielding agent and we also encourage that all shielding agents we foster get the expected additional income," he explained.

Denny added that the Shield School is the main capital for shielding agents to obtain intensive briefing for the benefits and programs of BPJS Ketenagakerjaan.

"We are sure that through the launching ranking of shields and shielding schools, it will have a positive impact on all shield agents, especially in the DKI Jakarta area, to be a great and tough shield," concluded Deny.