Issuer Owned By Hary Tanoesoedibjo, MSIN Announces Stocksplit Plan

JAKARTA - The issuer owned by Hary Tanoesoedibjo, PT MNC Digital Entertainment (MSIN) announced the stockprit plan.

Quoted from the disclosure of information on the Indonesia Stock Exchange, it is known that MSIN plans to break shares with a ratio of 1:5. Thus, MSIN's share price from the previous Rp50 per share to Rp10 per share.

In the disclosure of information, it is stated that the stocksplit plan is carried out so that MSIN shares can reach a wider investor base and increase market liquidity.

"The company is optimistic that this step will make our shares more affordable but also in line with our commitment to increase the value of shareholders and increase the company's position," the management wrote in an information disclosure quoted Thursday, August 15.

Meanwhile, the number of shares before the stock split was 12,135,235,641 shares and the number of shares after the stock split became 60,676,178,205.

Later the decision regarding the stockprit will be discussed at the Extraordinary General Meeting of Shareholders (EGMS) which is planned to be made on September 23, 2024 and the nominal effective trading meeting will only take place on October 7, 2024.