Jabodebek LRT Users Can Now Recharge Free Drinking Water At The Station

JAKARTA - PT Kereta Api Indonesia (Persero) or KAI presents water stations at all Jabodebek LRT stations.

With the presence of this water station, Jabodebek LRT users can refill drinking water for free.

The Manager of Public Relations of the Jabodebek LRT Mahendro Trang Bawono revealed that this water station is part of KAI's initiative to support a healthy lifestyle among users.

According to Mahendro, users can enjoy drinking water that is safe to consume and of free quality, while forming a good habit by bringing their own drinking bottles.

"This step is also in line with efforts to reduce the use of single-use plastics and support environmental love campaigns," he said in an official statement, Wednesday, August 14.

Mahendro also said that the use of water stations at Jabodebek LRT stations has various benefits, including easy access to clean and safe drinking water, maintaining hydration during travel, and contributing to reducing plastic waste.

Furthermore, Mahendro emphasized that the water station provided by KAI had met strict health prerequisites, with water that had been analyzed at the Water Quality Laboratory (WQL) managed by Coway together with the Bandung Institute of Technology (ITB), referring to the Regulation of the Minister of Health.

"We invite all Jabodebek LRT users to use this water station facility wisely, support a healthy lifestyle, and participate in preserving the environment. KAI is determined to continue to provide the best service, which not only meets transportation needs but also contribute positively to the community and the environment," he said.

The following is a breakdown of the number of water stations at each Jabodebek LRT station:

Dukuh Atas: 2 units

Setiabudi: 2 units

Rasuna Said: 2 units

Kuningan: 2 units

Pancoran: 2 units

Cikoko: 2 units

Ciliwung: 1 unit

Cawang: 2 units

TMII: 1 unit

Kampung Rambutan: 2 units

Ciracas: 2 units

Harjamukti: 2 units

Halim: 2 units

New Jatibening: 1 unit

Cikunir I: 1 unit

Cikunir II: 1 unit

West Bekasi: 2 units

Jatimulya: 2 units