Efforts To Appeal The Bogor City DPRD Against Ratification Of The Pinjol Raperda Meet A Bright Spot

BOGOR Efforts to appeal the Bogor City DPRD against the disapproval of the West Java Provincial Government (Pemprov) against the draft regional regulation (Raperda) regarding the prevention and protection of the public from the impact of online loans (pinjol) are increasingly finding a bright spot.

After receiving a good response from the Acting Governor of West Java, now a positive signal has been given by the Legal and Human Rights Bureau of West Java Province. Previously, the chairman of the Bogor City DPRD, Atang Trisnanto, stated that he would appeal the discussion of the Pinjol Raperda after attending a seminar on the solution to the loan problem.

"God willing, we will make an appeal. The results of the ICMI discussion answered philosophically and juridically about the rejection record given by the West Java Provincial Government to Raperda Pinjol. We will collect recommendation records from experts and academics, so that the draft that was completed in July 2023 can be ratified," said Atang. A few days later, Acting Governor of West Java, Bey Machmudin expressed his support for the continuation of the discussion of Raperda Pinjol in Bogor City. This was conveyed by Bey when he was present at the Bogor City Hall.

He said the government must be present to solve the problem of online loans. This is because pinjol has a correlation with online gambling cases.

"I agree that there must be joint efforts, the Bogor City DPRD proposes a Raperda on online loans. That's why let's discuss it together," he said.

Responding to this, the Regional Regulation Formation Agency (Bapemperda) of the Bogor City DPRD followed up by conducting a coordination meeting with the Legal and Human Rights Bureau at the Regional Secretariat (Setda) of West Java Province, last Monday.

The chairman of the Bapemperda of the Bogor City DPRD, Anna Mariam Fadhilah, revealed that the coordination was carried out to discuss the stages and mechanisms for submitting the Pinjol Raperda to be ratified.

"Based on the direction from the Chairman of the Bogor City DPRD and the Bapemperda meeting, we re-submit the discussion of the Pinjol Regional Regulation which was rejected by the application some time ago," said Anna.

Based on the results of coordination, Anna revealed that the Legal and Human Rights Bureau of the West Java Provincial Secretariat gave approval for the discussion of the Pinjol Raperda.

Furthermore, Anna said that in the near future the discussion of the Pinjol Raperda will be carried out again by Bapemperda and ensure that the substance in the Raperda is in accordance with the legislation and in accordance with the needs of the City community.

"Alhamdulillah, our appeal received the green light from the West Java Province Legal and Human Rights Bureau. So that we will continue the discussion of the Pinjol Raperda," he concluded.