Ponorogo Regency Government Ensures Construction Of The Reog Rampung Monument In December

PONOROGO - Construction of the building structure of the Reog Monument and Civilization Monument (MRMP) statue in the former limestone mining area in Sampungrampung District at the end of December 2024.

"By the end of December, the target is the main structure of the MRMP building to be completed, including the reog statue building at the top of the monument building," said the Commitment Making Officer of the Ponorogo Regency Culture, Tourism, Youth and Sports Office, Yesi Daniel Tri Baskiro, as reported by ANTARA, Tuesday, August 13.

Currently, he continued, progress or progress in the implementation of the construction of the monument as high as 126 meters and absorbing the Rp85 billion budget is in the first final stage.

In this first stage, the focus of the work is the construction of the main structure of the graded building and the Ponorogo reog statue.

"The painting of the ground floor and the graded blocks for the building until the reog statue was established is the process of building the first phase," he said.

He hopes that misinformation in the community will not be more biased. The reason, he said, so far there are still many Ponorogo people who think the construction of the MRMP will be completed in one development stage.

"This area is very wide and the buildings to be built are also very large. Once again, the construction process is taking place in stages. The first stage is to focus on building construction and reog statue," he said.

Even so, Daniel understands the misperception in the community. Because the three-dimensional master plan or image that is currently circulating in the community has indeed visualized the MRMP tourist area as a whole.

Moreover, the master plan was the result of a competition some time ago. "Yes, indeed, the design results do show the whole thing, yes, it doesn't matter. But what is clear is that at the end of December the main structure of the building and the reog statue will be completed," he said.

The construction of the MRMP project began on March 1, 2023, which was marked by a bore pile which was prepared as the foundation of the MRMP. Meanwhile, the groundbreaking was carried out by the Governor of East Java, Khofifah Indah Parawansa, on March 11, 2023.