Minister Of Home Affairs: There Is A Regional Head Not Present To IKN Because He Can't Get Airplane Tickets

JAKARTA - All regions in the country attended a briefing agenda from President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) in the capital city of Nusantara (IKN), East Kalimantan, today. However, there were a number of regional heads who were unable to attend because they did not get plane tickets to Balikpapan.

This was conveyed by the Minister of Home Affairs (Mendagri) Tito Karnavian. Tito said that a total of about 517 regional heads were present in person, consisting of governors, mayors and regents, both acting and definitive. Meanwhile, 35 regional heads were unable to attend.

Tito explained various reasons that made the regional heads unable to attend IKN, including those who were sick, such as the Governor of South Kalimantan and some whose mothers were sick like the Governor of West Sumatra.

Some of them are also attending the DPRD plenary session, some even cannot leave because they do not get plane tickets.

"But, there are also those who happen not to get transportation because they are fighting over a plane to go to Balikpapan Pak (Jokowi)," Tito said in his remarks quoted from the Presidential Secretariat's YouTube, Tuesday, August 13.

Tito also reported that all regional heads had arrived at IKN since yesterday. All governors stayed at the Nusantara IKN Hotel, while the regents and mayors stayed in Balikpapan and then left for IKN this morning at 06.00 WITA.

"Tiba pagi ini (IKN) dan langsung ke Sabung Kebangsaan. Tadi kami sampai berjoking dan kami sampaikan kepada bupati/wali kota jangan mengiri dengan pak gubernur, yang mengendap di Hotel Nusantara karena masuk ikut Pilkada dulu baru naik gubernur. Begitu pak," canda Tito.

According to Tito, the regional leaders are part of the historical actors. Given, he said, in the next 50 years it could be the National Axis and IKN itself which he visited this morning with regional heads in different forms.

"On behalf of fellow regional heads, we would like to thank the President (Jokowi) who has given the opportunity to be present here in person, in a very magnificent place, it will be felt immediately," he added.