Minister Of Finance Expressed That Central Government Expenditures Of IDR 872.8 Trillion Have Been Given Benefits For The Community

JAKARTA - The Ministry of Finance (Kemenkeu) noted that the central government's budget of Rp.872.8 trillion or 75.5 percent of the total central government expenditure realization of Rp. 1,170.8 trillion until July 2024 has been directly utilized by the public from education, infrastructure, subsidies, and health.

Minister of Finance Sri Mulyani Indrawati said that from a budget of Rp.872.8 trillion, it had been distributed through the program (KPM), and basic food cards of Rp. 28 trillion to 18.7 million KPM.

Furthermore, it was channeled through the Education program, namely the smart Indonesia program of IDR 8.9 trillion for 11.2 million students.

The KIP program for lectures amounting to Rp7 trillion for 875,000 students, the Ministry of Religion's BOS amounting to Rp7.4 trillion for 6.4 million students, and State University Operational Assistance (BOPTN) amounting to Rp3.6 trillion for 197 PTN.

Distribution for infrastructure is the construction of rehabilitation of roads, bridges, railroads, airports, ports, dams, irrigation networks, SPAM, flats, dikti buildings, and satellite capacity of IDR 94.1 trillion.

Health amounting to Rp27 trillion through Contribution Assistance Recipients (PBI) for National Health Insurance (JKN) for 96.7 million participants.

Many people continue to ask me, what do I feel from the state budget? Maybe because many think it is not the state budget. If their social protection gets a total transfer of Rp. 17.7 trillion to 10 million KPM. Or people who join BPJS health but do not pay, it is paid by the government," he said at the KiTa State Budget press conference, on Tuesday, August 13.

Furthermore, Sri Mulyani became distributed for fuel subsidies amounting to Rp10.4 trillion or 8.66 kiloliters, and for 3 kg LPG subsidies of Rp40.4 trillion or 4.02 million metric tons.

Meanwhile, it was distributed to the agricultural sector amounting to Rp1 trillion in the form of assistance for pre-harvesting agricultural machinery such as transporters, water pumps, hand sprayers, and rice transplanters as many as 52,391 units.

Then, distributed for fertilizer subsidies amounting to Rp6.3 trillion for 3.8 million tons of subsidized fertilizer.

Finally, it was distributed to MSMEs amounting to Rp. 18.1 trillion through the People's Business Credit Subsidy (KUR) for 2.8 million debtors.

For information, the realization of state spending until July 2024 reached IDR 1,638.8 trillion, an increase of 12.2 percent year on year (yoy) when compared to the same period last year. This realization is equivalent to 49.3 percent of the 2024 APBN target of IDR 3,325.1 trillion.

Meanwhile, the realization of state spending consists of central government spending (BPP) which has reached Rp1,170.8 trillion or reached 47.5 percent of the BPP ceiling and spending also grew by 14.7 percent (yoy).

The realization of BPP consists of Ministry/Institutional expenditures (K/L) which have reached Rp588.7 trillion or 54.8 percent of the ceiling distributed to support the implementation of general elections (elections), distribution of various social assistance programs, security defense facilities and infrastructure, and infrastructure development.

Furthermore, the realization of BPP is also distributed for non-K/L expenditures amounting to Rp582.1 trillion or reaching 42.3 percent of the ceiling. This non-K/L expenditure is channeled to subsidies and energy compensation, as well as payment of pension benefits.

Then, state expenditures are channeled through transfers to the regions (TKD) reaching IDR 468 trillion, or 54.45 percent of the ceiling of IDR 857.6 trillion.