10 Fire Victims In Matraman Came From 2 Families

JAKARTA - The police said that the 10 people who died from the fire incident in Matraman, East Jakarta were two families. They are residents of the rented house.

"There were 10 people who were victims of the fire, they are two families", said Head of Matraman Police, Kompol Tedjo Asmoro to reporters, Thursday, March 25.

Based on preliminary investigations and witness examinations, the 10 people became victims because when the fire broke out they were sleeping.

"It is possible that the victim was sleeping and did not know that the fire had started to burn their house", he said.

Currently, the bodies of the victims are in RSCM. Meanwhile, the cause of the fire is still being investigated.

Previously it was reported, a house fire in a densely populated area occurred on Jalan Pisangan Baru III-RT06/RW10, Matraman District at around 04.50 WIB, Thursday, March 25. This fire occurred in a 5-door rented building.

10 people died as a result of a fire in a rented house in Matraman, East Jakarta. They are said to have had no time to run away.

Besides, the rented position at the end of a dead-end alley is also one of the causes. So, there is no way out for the victims to save themselves.

After the fire was extinguished, the 10 victims' bodies were found in rented squares number one and three. However, it was not explained in detail how many corpses were found in each of the rented houses.