Customs And Excise Facilitates Imports Of Trains Without Rail And Flying Taxis For IKN

The Ministry of Finance's Customs and Excise (Kemenkeu) also supports the development of the capital city of Nusantara (IKN) by facilitating imports of various sophisticated equipment that will be used in the development of the city such as railless trains and flying taxis.

Head of the Balikpapan Customs Counseling and Information Service Section, Wijaya Arif Nurrochman said Customs and Excise in the last three months had managed the import process of several vehicles and vital equipment for IKN, including Autonomous Rail Rapid Transit, Optionally Piloted Personal/Passenger Air Vehicle (flying tax), and Electric Motor (water pump).

"All these items are imported through Semayang Harbor, Balikpapan, with a smooth process of customer clearance," he said in his official statement, Monday, August 12.

Wijaya revealed that Autonomous Rail Rapid Transit (ART) is a railless train operated using batteries and guided by road markings and magnets.

Meanwhile, as many as one ART unit from China arrived in Balikpapan in early August 2024.

This vehicle is imported for trials as part of efforts to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and energy savings, in line with the IKN concept as a sustainable smart city.

"In the import process, ART uses temporary import services from ATA CARNET which provides exemption facilities for import duties and taxes, as long as the goods are re-exported within a maximum period of one year," he said.

Wijaya also revealed that Customs and Excise also facilitates the import of Operationally Piloted Personal/Passenger Air Vehicle (OPPAV), or better known as flying taxis. This futuristic means of transportation are imported on May 30, 2024, and it is planned to be tested as a modern mobility solution at IKN.

Like ART, OPPAV is imported with import duties and taxes exemption facilities through temporary import services, in accordance with the temporary import SKEP number 75/KM.4/KBC.1601/2024, with the value of the released customs reaching IDR 107.7 million. OPPAV is allowed to be in Indonesia for a maximum of three years before having to be re-exported.

In addition to sophisticated vehicles, Wijaya said Customs and Excise also facilitates the import of two units of Electric Motor, or a water pump, which will be used for drinking water supply at IKN.

Wijaya explained that this pump was imported on June 10, 2024 and processed through the Balikpapan Customs and Excise. The existence of this water pump is important to ensure the smooth supply of drinking water in the IKN area that is being built.

"With this facility, Customs and Excise not only supports the smooth development of IKN, but also ensures that all import processes run according to regulations, making a significant contribution to the progress of this national project," he concluded.