PGN Signs LNG Sale And Purchase Contract With Donggixiko

JAKARTA - PT Perusahaan Gas Negara (PGN) Tbk (PGAS) signed a liquefied natural gas (LNG) gas sale and purchase agreement (PJBG) with PT Donggi foto LNG (DSLNG).

Quoted from the disclosure of information on the Indonesia Stock Exchange, it is known that this sale and purchase agreement is valid until December 31, 2029.

"The company and PT Donggi-Senoro LNG have agreed on a sale and purchase agreement for LNG through the master LNG Sale and Purchase Agreement and the Memorandum confirmation for the purchase of one LNG cargo in September 2024," the management wrote in an information disclosure quoted Monday, August 12.

It is known that on August 8, 2024, the Company and DSLNG have signed an LNG purchase umbrella contract through MSPA, and signed a September CM for the plan to purchase one LNG cargo in September 2024 of 135,000 m3 5 percent operational tolerance equivalent to 3,159,000 MMBTU + 5 percent operational tolerance

"MSPA will end on December 31, 2029," the management continued.

In the disclosure of information, it is also stated that if the MSPA can be extended or terminated earlier in accordance with the agreement of the two parties.

"During the reporting, the contract between the Company and DSLNG will increase the gas supply from LNG regasification for the areas of West Java, South and Central Sumatra," concluded PGN management.