Phase Seven Investment In IKN Reaches IDR 4 Trillion

JAKARTA - Investments that are included in the laying of the first stone to mark the start of the new phase seven physical development in the city of Nusantara, the new capital city of Indonesia in Sepaku District, North Penajam Paser Regency, East Kalimantan Province, reached approximately Rp4 trillion. President Joko Widodo (Jokowi), explained Deputy for Funding and Investment of the Archipelago Capital Authority (OIKN) Agung Wicaksono in Penajam, quoted from Antara, Monday 12 August, will lay the first stone to mark the start of a number of new physical developments in the city of Nusantara. The laying of the first stone for new physical development that will be carried out, he continued, for the investment sector there is a number of supporting infrastructures in the new capital city of Indonesia. President Jokowi, today is scheduled to lay the first stone to start a number of new physical developments in the city of Nusantara, after the inaugural plenary cabinet session held at the Garuda Palace, the new capital city of Indonesia. The laying of the first stone sign of the start of new physical development at stage seven for a number of investors from the banking sector and business entities. The total investment value in the laying of the first stone of new physical development in stage seven, said Agung Wicaksono, is estimated to reach approximately Rp4 trillion, "the investment value is large enough, later details will be available. But the total may be Rp4 trillion more for the laying of the first stone indicating the start of new physical construction stages seven," he added. The investment value is calculated from the laying of the first stone sign of the start of the phase one to stage six physical construction in the city of Nusantara, reaching approximately Rp51.3 trillion.

"Kalau dengan peletakan batu pertama tanda dimulainya pembangunan fisik baru tahap tujuh, diperkirakan nilai investasi mendekati kisaran Rp60 triliun," ujarnya pula.Peletakan batu pertama tanda dimulainya pembangunan fisik batu tahap tujuh di ibu kota baru Indonesia, juga sekaligus dilakukan penandatangan perjanjian kerja sama (PKS) pemanfaatan lahan dengan investor atau pelaku usaha.Peletakan batu pertama tanda dimulainya pembangunan tahap tujuh dijadwalkan hari ini, selain pembangunan istana wakil presiden dan Taman Kusuma Bangsa, juga PT Intiland Development Tbk, PT Royal Garden Eagle Group, PT Papua Hotel Internasional dan PT Bank Central Asia, demikian Agung Wicaksono.