Tesla Delays FSD V12.5 Release For Car With HW3 Computer System

JAKARTA Tesla has continued to distribute the latest version of Supervised Full Self-Driving (FSD), which is v12.5, in recent weeks. However, this feature is only available for vehicles equipped with the latest HW4 computers. Although it was promised to be released for vehicles with HW3 this week, CEO Elon Musk stated that his team is still "working hard" on this matter.

For information, one of the significant improvements v12.5 is the inclusion of piles of systems for highways and urban roads to unity. This means the system can make faster and more accurate decisions in various road conditions. In addition, FSD v12.5 is also a significant step forward and towards Tesla's vision to create fully self-driving vehicles. While still in the development stage, this version shows rapid progress in autonomous technology.

Pada Sabtu lalu, Musk mengungkapkan bahwa versi FSD Supervised yang akan dirilis untuk kendaraan HW3 akan memiliki nomor rilis yang berbeda dari v12.5.1.3 yang mulai didistribusi pada Jumat. HW3, yang sebelumnya disebut AI3, merupakan perangkat keras yang digunakan oleh sebagian besar kendaraan Tesla di jalan raya.

This makes many vehicle owners with HW3 curious when they will get FSD v12.5, especially as this version has been released in stages since last month and is expected to bring a number of improvements.

Team is working on it. This will be a different release number.

"The team is working on it. It will have a different release number," Musk wrote in a post on X on Saturday.

This statement comes nearly two weeks after the company started a wide release of FSD v12.5.1, and after Musk explained that the new version would first be aimed at the HW4 Model Y unit, before it was disseminated. Musk also said on July 29 that the estimated launch time of the FSD Supervised v12.5 for the HW3 vehicle was about 10 days, meaning it should have been released on Thursday if it matched the schedule.

Launching Teslarati, August 12, Tesla CEO also provided some context about why it took time to release FSD v12.5 into HW3 vehicles, as well as the reasons why this version has five times more parameters than the previous version:

"It takes considerable software efforts to optimize the code in order to run in HW3," Musk said. "This also needs to be validated separately."

Although Cybertruck has HW4, FSD Supervised is still not available in any capacity on the electric vehicle (EV), although it is expected to be released together with v12.5. During an event a few weeks ago, Musk said that FSD should be released for Cybertruck in August, but he also mentioned that it is difficult to determine the exact time of launch.