Autonomous Tram Will Undergo Trial Until October 2024 At IKN

Integrated Autonomous Tram or Autonomous Rail Rapid Transit (ART) is undergoing a trial process or Proof-of-Concept (PoC) Trem in the East Side National Aquaculture, Central Government Core Area (KIPP), the Capital City of the Archipelago (IKN). This trial will last until October 2024.

Deputy for Green Transformation and Digital OIKN, Mohammed Ali Berawi said that the implementation of the PoC will last for two months, starting from August 10 to October 2024.

He said the Integrated Autonomous Tram project was the result of cooperation between OIKN and Norinco, with participation from CRRC, a railway manufacturer from China. He also said the Integrated Autonomous Tram is a new technology in land transportation modes.

"This Integrated Autonomous Tram is a hybrid system of the Light Rapid Transit (LRT) transportation system or light train and Autonomous Bus," he said in an official statement, Sunday, August 11.

Ali explained that the Integrated Autonomous Tram does use rubber tires and moves on the road. But when it comes to the character of the train, he continued, the Integrated Autonomous Trem has a road markings-shaped virtual track and is then detected through the Light Detection and Ranking (LIDAR) and GPS sensors.

"So it has a dedicated line and it is autonomous in nature. Second, there are two steering rooms in front and behind, this shows this tram can move forward (forward) and forward (forward from behind)," he explained.

Furthermore, Ali also explained that the PoC was carried out aimed at testing the reliability of technology and product reliability in the Integrated Autonomous Trem.

"We'll see if this Integrated Autonomous Trem is really full of autonomous or is it still using manual and automatic," he said.

Ali said the Integrated Autonomous Tram trials also involved various parties including the Ministry of PUPR and the Ministry of Transportation. This is done to ensure that the entire system from train facilities to supporting infrastructure is functioning properly and safely, and in accordance with transportation regulations.

Ali also revealed some of the advantages of the Integrated Otomom Trem. First, he said, from investment costs that are much more efficient than conventional trains that use rails.

Then, he continued, in terms of capacity, can carry passengers massively with a capacity of up to 300 people in 3 carriages, up to 500 people in 5 carriages in one trainset with one trip.

Currently, the Ministry of PUPR is building 8 ultimate (mainly) stops to support the operations of the Integrated Autonomous Trem, which will be used when the ultimate loop (main track) is fully ready to be used.

"This Integrated Otomom Tram will cover the route from the Western Side of the National Asymptories, in front of the Presidential Palace, the Eastern Side of the National Aximation to return to the West Side Nationalized Asymptories with a total distance of about 4.9 km. In one charge it can cover up to 70 km, "he explained.

Ali said this Integrated Autonomous Tram will be the first technology in Indonesia to be tested without rail, using a battery guided by a road markings. He said the trial of this mode of transportation was carried out to assess the reliability of technical, interoperability, economics, and transfer of knowledge before the implementation in Indonesia, especially at IKN in the future.

"The success of the Autonomous Trem is also determined by the participation of all parties, including people who need to prepare themselves to live in areas and eras that require renewal of the working culture in a new civilization that will be realized, including in the use of autonomous vehicles as mass transportation," he said.