Ariel Tatum Delivers A Deep Message Through The Bale Flower
JAKARTA - Ariel Tatum appeared in a monologist show entitled Sang Kembang Bale which was held at NuArt Sculpture Park, Bandung, West Java, for two days, 10 and 11 August.
In the preview media session which took place on Friday, August 9, the 27-year-old actor displayed a long narrative that brought many important messages about art through the story of an ronggeng (Kembang Bale).
Pradetya Novitri as the producer said, there were at least two important messages from the holding of the Flower Bale.
"The message is mainly one, about the mountain ronggeng art itself, many do not know about this and the perpetrators also live a little," said Pradetya.
Second, I want to tell you that being a mountain gang is not easy. So, the resilience of an artist to carry out art to this day is still being faced. We as artists are never easy, especially in Indonesia," he continued.
Meanwhile, Heliana Sinaga as the director said the theme of the mountain gang raised in Sang Kembang Bale was based on the biography of the perpetrator or the heir to the mountain gang to the stage of the show.
The Flower Bale is an alternative to reviving the relationship between human values and relationships with humans, nature and their creators. The depiction of the flow, movement, music and songs performed by Ariel Tatum and the entire team involved, hopefully, can become a cultural archive obtained through a different viewing experience," said Heliana.
For Ariel Tatum, this show is special, considering that this is his first monologue. He feels grateful to Titimanangsa for giving him the trust.
"I am very grateful and grateful that the Flower Bale was entrusted to be my first monologue," he said.
Meanwhile, the Flower Bale, which was held by Titimangsa with the Bakti Budaya Djarum Foundation, tells the story of the life of an ronggeng (Kembang Bale) in Panyutran, a village in Padaherang, Pangandaran.
A Bale Flower was born from the pain of his childhood. Entering adolescence, he was chosen by the senior mountain gang to be the successor as a truelongg.
Poverty that encourages him to enter the world of eggng. But the world he enters is getting more and more interesting to understand how an egg should behave.
There is still one show to watch, with tickets on sale limited and can be obtained at NuArt Sculpture Park, Bandung.