PLN REC Users Increase 65 Percent, Can Enjoy 5,407 Customers

JAKARTA - Until the first semester of 2024, PT PLN (Persero)'s Renewable Energy Certificate (REC) green electricity service has been enjoyed by 5,407 customers with a total capacity of 2.35 terawatt hours (TWh).

PLN President Director Darmawan Prasodjo said this figure increased 65 percent compared to the same period in 2023 which was 1,829 customers with a capacity of 1.42 TWh.

Darmawan sees that there are now more and more industrial sector customers who use REC to obtain green electricity supply from PLN.

"It is recorded that throughout 2023, the PLN REC has been used by 3,378 customers with a capacity of 3.5 TWh," he said, Saturday, August 10.

The high absorption of REC in the first semester of 2024 also made Darmawan optimistic that the trend of reC absorption will continue to rise until the end of 2024.

In line with the high interest of the business and industrial sectors to support decarbonization in Indonesia, we see that PLN's green energy needs will be even greater in the future. In this case, we have also succeeded in adding two generators as REC sources. So that currently we have 8 REC generators with production capacity reaching 4.7 million REC or 4.7 TWh per year," explained Darmawan.

The additional two REC sources added by PLN this year are the Ulumbu Geothermal Power Plant (PLTP) in East Nusa Tenggara and the Orya Genyem Hydroelectric Power Plant (PLTA) in Papua.

The two EBT-based plants above will join 6 other power plants that have been supplying green REC PLN, namely PLTP Ulubelu, PLTA Cirata, PLTP Kamojang, PLTM Lambur, PLTA Baku, and PLTP Lahendong.