PKS No Comments On The Issue Of Anies' Implementation Of The Jakarta Gubernatorial Election
JAKARTA - The Prosperous Justice Party (PKS) does not want to comment on the issue of irregularities against Anies Baswedan so that he cannot run as a candidate for governor in the 2024 Jakarta Pilkada. Spokesperson for PKS, M Kholid, said that his party continues to strive so that Anies Baswedan-Sohibul Iman can be registered as a cagub and cawagub Jakarta pair. "What is clear is that PKS is the only party that openly issues the first decree, which publicly declares Anies. When all parties have not issued a recommendation decree, it has not been declared publicly, PKS is confident in giving its decree, giving its declaration at first, that is what PKS did," said M Kholid at the PKS DPP Office, South Jakarta, August 10. "So if the issue of the dismissal issue, I don't want to comment. But PKS has the highest endeavor to make it possible for a safe pair to sail. That's what we did," he continued. Previously, PDIP Secretary General Hasto Kristiyanto admitted to receiving a report related to Anies Baswedan's alleged burglary attempt in the 2024 Jakarta Pilkada. He said, it could potentially not reflect a healthy democratic system.
"We have received reports that there are efforts to block the nomination of Anies Baswedan and anyone who is by a process that should be democratic, but when there are efforts to block certain candidates, our democratic life is not healthy," said Hasto in Central Jakarta, Thursday, August 8. Hasto ensured that the PDIP would continue to oversee the 2024 Pilkada contestation process so that it would run smoothly without any form of ambush to parties or any candidate. Because, according to him, every child of the nation has the constitutional right to be nominated.