This Is The Design Essence Of The Garuda IKN Palace According To The Designer Nyoman Nuarta

JAKARTA - Many are curious about the design of the Garuda Palace, the capital city of the archipelago (IKN). Responding to that, the designer or designer of the Garuda Palace, the capital city of the archipelago (IKN), Nyoman Nuarta spoke up.

He revealed that the basic essence of the Palace design refers to the unification of more than 1,300 tribes in Indonesia.

Nyoman, who was contacted by ANTARA in Jakarta, Saturday, said that he chose Garuda's representation as a form of building so that there would be no jealousy from various regions in Indonesia. Because Indonesia has various ethnicities.

"I chose Garuda as the basic idea because everyone knows it, and it is also impossible for all tribal identities to be absorbed in one building," said Nyoman, quoted from ANTARA, Saturday, August 10.

He explained that the form of Garuda is the basic choice of the Palace because he realizes that Indonesia has more than 1,300 tribes with its own distinctive culture.

"(Indonesia) has a traditional house, there are crafts. There are textiles. In order to avoid jealousy, I avoid the identity of one of the tribes (for) I use it in building the Palace. It feels unfair. Thus I choose Garuda as the basic idea," he explained.

According to him, Garuda is very familiar or known to all tribes in Indonesia as a symbol of the State so that the concept is used in designing the Garuda Palace at IKN.

Moreover, continued Nyoman, the Garuda Pancasila symbol was also created by Sultan Hamid II who came from Kalimantan, not as alleged that Garuda is from Hindu culture.

"Well, after I used it, none of the tribes had so many protests, those who protested the architects, who lost competition. This is the basic competition. So my concept is like that, because I don't want there to be divisions due to incorrect designs," said Nyoman.

Meanwhile, about the mystical impression on the Garuda Palace, Nyoman invites the perceptions of each person to have an opinion.

According to him, people's opinions arise a little more influenced by the experience of their respective materials. He also explained, about the color of the Garuda Palace, where the yellow color on the face will slowly turn blue green like the GWK color. The process is called Patina.

Meanwhile, the structure of the blades made of weather-resistant steel from redness turns dark, which takes 1-2 years.

"Garuda looks dashing in fact, his head is like that (looking forward), yes, it's up to people's perceptions," he concluded.