The Preparedness And Facilities For The Celebration Of The Republic Of Indonesia's Independence Day At IKN Are 90 Percent

JAKARTA - The preparation of ceremony facilities and celebration of the Republic of Indonesia's Birthday or the Republic of Indonesia's Anniversary in the capital city of Nusantara (IKN) is about 90 percent complete.

"This is so really ready for the celebration of August 17 at IKN, it can be said that 94 percent has been completed. Only preparations. So, August 17 is ready," said Director of Information and Public Communication of the Ministry of Communication and Information Usman Kansong in a discussion that was followed online, Saturday, August 10, as reported by ANTARA.

Usman said that the ceremony for the 79th Indonesian Independence Day was planned to be held in the State Palace area facing the field in the IKN area in the Penajam Paser Utara Regency, East Kalimantan Province.

President Joko Widodo and invited guests consisting of community leaders, traditional leaders, and ambassadors from friendly countries are scheduled to attend a ceremony to raise the Red and White Flag to commemorate the Indonesian Independence Day at IKN.

The transportation infrastructure to the IKN area has been prepared ahead of the ceremony for the celebration of the 79th Indonesian Independence Day.

The toll road connecting Balikpapan City with the IKN area has been inaugurated, so the trip to IKN in the Penajam Paser Utara Regency only takes about an hour to use a car.

"Previously, from Balikpapan to IKN it took 2.5 hours, but with the new toll road which was inaugurated, the time to go to IKN could be cut to just one hour," said Usman.

With the transportation infrastructure that has been prepared, Usman believes that the guests who are accommodated in Balikpapan City can reach the venue for the ceremony without any significant obstacles.

The Pusaka Flag-raising Troops (Paskibraka) 2024 which will be assigned to the ceremony to commemorate the Republic of Indonesia's Independence Day at IKN have also been prepared.

"Officers are clean. Now the red and white flag carnival has also taken place from Jakarta. Later after that, the President will inaugurate Paskibraka in the credential room at the State Palace," said Usman.