OJK Provides Financial Education For Persons With Disabilities In Toba Regency

BALIGE - The Financial Services Authority (OJK) seeks to increase public financial literacy, including groups of people with disabilities who are one of the priority targets for recipients of financial education programs.

This is stated in the 2021-2025 Indonesian Financial Literacy National Strategy (SNLKI).

People with disabilities need to be equipped with financial literacy skills to become more financially independent and prosperous. We encourage Financial Services Business Actors (PUJK) to provide a more inclusive and friendly ecosystem for people with disabilities," said Chief Executive of the Behavior Supervisory of Financial Services Business Actors, Education and Protection of OJK Consumers Friderica Widyasari Dewi in a financial education event held at the Toba Regent's Office Hall, North Balige, Friday, August 9.

In this activity with the theme 'Financial Cap Disability, Finance Is Getting More Inclusive', this woman who is familiarly called Kiki emphasized that OJK is committed to continuing to strive to fulfill the rights of persons with disabilities and take sides with the empowerment of persons with disabilities to be able to take advantage of financial products and services.

This commitment is demonstrated by the existence of POJK 22/2023 concerning the Protection of Consumers and the Community in the Financial Services Sector Article 8 paragraph 3 and Article 54 paragraph 3.

Furthermore, Kiki said, OJK requires PUJK to have the obligation and responsibility to implement written policies and procedures for protecting consumers who are disability-friendly and support the provision of special services to consumers with disabilities.

In addition, OJK issued POJK Number 3 of 2023 concerning Increasing Literacy and Financial Inclusion in the Financial Services Sector for Consumers and the Community.

Not only from increasing financial literacy, but OJK also encourages inclusive finance for the disability segment group by launching the One One Account Disability Program (Tube).

"Hopefully by opening access to finance, it can improve people's welfare," concluded Frederica.

As a form of support for increasing public financial access to financial services institutions that are increasingly inclusive, there are ceremonial submissions of financial products symbolically from several PUJK, namely BPD North Sumatra, PT Pegadaian and BPJS Ketenagakerjaan.

The North Sumatra BPD distributed CSR to the Toba Regency Government worth Rp. 317,000,000, SimPel Savings to 10 SLB students in Toba district and Micro KUR distribution to three beneficiaries with a total value of Rp. 200,000,000.

Product distribution was also carried out by PT Pegadaian and BPJS Kesehatan. PT Pegadaian handed over CSR to the Basic Food Evatas Institution worth IDR 20,000,000 and gold savings to three people with a value of IDR 500,000. BPJS Ketenagakerjaan handed over CSR to three recipients of Death Security worth IDR 42,000,000.