The Ponorogo Reog Monument Project Was Reported To The KPK Because Of Alleged Loss Of The State

The alleged corruption of the Reog Ponorogo Monument was reported to the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) today. It is suspected that there was a state loss of up to Rp35 billion from the project value of Rp76 billion.

"I came all the way to the KPK this afternoon to report allegations of corruption in Ponorogo, especially regarding the Monument megaproject or the Reog Ponorogo Museum in Sampung District, Ponorogo," said Ardian Fahmi, who is a resident of Ponorogo to reporters at the KPK's Red and White building, Kuningan Persada, South Jakarta, Friday, August 9.

Ardian said this report was also targeting officials from the Ponorogo Regency Government (Pemkab) and the private sector. "For private parties suspected of being involved, namely PT Widya Satria, which is based in Surabaya City and the PT owner is the head of the East Java Provincial Government's Regional Owned Enterprise (BUMD)," he said.

He hopes that this report can be followed up by the anti-corruption commission. As a resident, Ardian admitted that he was concerned about the condition of the area.

According to Ardian, there are many problems such as damaged village roads rather than building monuments. We value waste and we suspect that there is minimal academic study. Instead of the budget to build the Reog Monument, it is better for the funds to repair village roads, which in the rainy season become muddy and the dry season becomes dusty," said Ardian.

"The funds should be for the construction of tourist villages, the development of underdeveloped villages and we see the Regent of Sugiri Sancoko forcing ambitious projects that until now have no clear direction to where," he concluded.