Nurul Ghufron's Qualification Becomes The Highlight Of The IM57+ Institute: Problem-probleming Candidates Still Exist
JAKARTA - Indonesia Calling (IM) 57+ Institute highlighted the passing of KPK Deputy Chair Nurul Ghufron to the next stage in the selection of leadership candidates (capim). This was conveyed by the Chairperson of the IM57+ Institute M. Praswad Nugraha in response to the written test results of the Candidate for Leadership (Kapim) and the KPK Supervisory Board submitted by the selection committee on Thursday, August 8.
As for the internal parties of the anti-corruption commission, there are five names that have passed, including Nurul Ghufron, who has not yet decided on his ethical violations because he is waiting for a trial at the State Administrative Court (PTUN). "Problem candidates still exist," Praswad told reporters in his written statement, Friday, August 9. Praswad said that a written selection should be able to eliminate incompetent parties. Legaling candidates who clearly fail to lead anti-corruption agencies makes the position of the Pansel appear to be more concerned with the formal aspects compared to the material of the answers given,'' he stressed. Not only the inclusion of the name of Ghufron, the number of candidates for leaders from other law enforcement officers such as the Police and the Prosecutor's Office is also in the spotlight. To what extent will the Pansel see the independence of KPK law enforcement going forward if almost all KPK leaders are law enforcers from other institutions," said Praswad. This condition then made IM57+ Institute pessimistic with efforts to restore public trust in the KPK. Because, Praswad is not sure that in the future the elected leaders can make a breakthrough. The resignation of the KPK trust will not occur with the current selection pattern. That is, if the pandemic working style is still like this, then the dream of returning the KPK to the real path will be further," said the former KPK employee.
Diberitakan sebelumnya, tes tertulis calon pimpinan KPK diikuti oleh 230 peserta. Dari jumlah tersebut 40 diantaranya dinyatakan lolos.Sementara untuk calon Dewan Pengawas KPK jumlah yang lolos dalam tahapan seleksi tertulis juga 40 dari 142 orang. Masyarakat bisa memantau nama-nama yang lolos dan memberikan tanggapan melalui situs