The Minister Of Industry Does Not Know About The Plan For Illegal Imported Goods To Be Used As Industrial Fuel

JAKARTA - Minister of Industry Agus Gumiwang Kartasasmita opened her voice regarding the statement by the Director General of Consumer Protection and Trade Order (PKTN) of the Ministry of Trade (Kemendag) Moga Simatupang who said the findings of the Task Force (Satgas) Supervision of Certain Goods that were implemented by the Import Commercial Administration would be used by the industry as fuel.

Moga said the industry needed fuel for production.

Responding to this, Agus said that until now he had not heard a report from the Task Force regarding the statement.

"Honestly, I haven't heard a report from the Task Force regarding that. I'll learn it later," Agus said when met in Bogor, Thursday, August 8.

Agus also said that he could not provide further comments because he did not know in detail what kind of shipments were confiscated to the industry.

"I don't know how to cut it yet. Earlier you gave a textile example, right? How to cut it? What is it like, I don't know either. We have to communicate with the company perpetrators," he said.

Previously, it was reported that confiscated illegal imported goods in the form of balpres or used imported clothes packaged in solid sacks and roller textiles were considered to be industrial helpers in providing fuel.

Moga said the industry could take advantage of this confiscated goods for free. However, in taking these goods, licensing is needed and is under supervision from Civil Servant Investigators (PPNS) and the National Police.

"There is a process, this is the one, right? It's in the National Police, through the Police, if it's Customs and Excise goods through Customs and Excise," Moga said in Cikarang, Tuesday, August 6.