Carrying Anyone Championed By KIM, PAN: Bima Arya Withdraws From The West Java Regional Head Election

JAKARTA - Secretary General (Secretary General) of the National Mandate Party (PAN) Eddy Soeparno said the former Mayor (Walkot) of Bogor Bima Arya resigned from his candidacy as a candidate for governor in the 2024 West Java (Jabar) Pilkada because he followed the decision of the party's central board. He said the PAN decision was to support any candidate pair for governor and deputy governor for the West Java Regional Election and the Jakarta Regional Head Election which would be carried out by the Advanced Indonesia Coalition (KIM). "Maybe by reading the party's decision, Kang Bima is of the view that it is better not to continue, his work, his efforts are to be in the West Java gubernatorial election," said Eddy to reporters in Jakarta, Thursday, August 8, confiscated by Antara. So far, he has heard that the Golkar Party with the Gerindra Party will jointly propose a candidate for governor and deputy governor for the West Java Pilkada. According to him, this has also become a collective agreement of the general chairmen of political parties in KIM.

Terkait karir Bima Arya ke depannya, menurutnya hal itu akan dirumuskan bersama dengan pimpinan partai. Menurutnya pembahasan itu juga bakal berkaitan dengan kader-kader lainnya yang dimiliki PAN."Yang jelas kader-kader kita itu yang punya potensi, yang memiliki kemampuan kapasitas, memiliki loyalitas yang tinggi kepada partai, tentu akan kita bersiapkan untuk melakukan pengabdian lebih lanjut di masyarakat," katanya.Sebelumnya, bakal calon gubernur Jabar dari PAN, Bima Arya Sugiarto, menyatakan mundur dari kontestasi pemilihan gubernur (Pilgub) Jawa Barat 2024.Hal itu disampaikan Bima Arya di kediamannya di Kota Bogor, Jawa Barat, Rabu 7 Agustus.

In his statement, he followed PAN as a member of KIM who fully supports Dedi Mulyadi's candidacy as a candidate for governor of West Java.