Vice President Ma'ruf: Spices Contribute To Farmers' Economy And Welfare

Vice President (Vice President) Ma'ruf Amin said Indonesia has a great opportunity as a world spice supplier that contributes to providing added value to the national economy and the welfare of farmers."In 2023, Indonesia has exported around 157,000 tons of spices with a value of 613 million dollars (US). This figure shows the huge potential of the spice economy," said the Vice President in his remarks while attending the inauguration of the opening of the 2024 Nusantara Spice Festival in Jakarta, Antara, Thursday, August 8.Therefore, continued Ma'ruf, increasing productivity and export of spices is one of the government's top priorities."All spice stakeholders are currently trying to advance the national spice industry," he said.In addition, according to Ma'ruf, government support is also focused on improving the quality of spices, innovating farming practices, developing human resources (HR) to diplomacy related to global market regulations."These various efforts are expected to encourage the development of the spice industry, especially production and exports so that in the end it will have a direct impact on improving the welfare of spice farmers," said Ma'ruf.In his remarks, Ma'ruf also said that spices, apart from being useful as ingredients for cooking, beauty and health, have also become a historic part of exploration and opening up international trade routes through the archipelago.At that time, he said, the strategic position and wealth of this country's spices brought Indonesia as a trade destination. However, this season, spices can also be used as a destination for tourism.
"This is the goal of the Prompah Nusantara Gemar Movement which will be inaugurated today, namely to revive past glory through the revitalization of the spice route which will make spices not only as superior products, but also as part of Indonesian cultural diplomacy," explained Ma'ruf.