SKK Migas Responds To Government Plans To Give Gas Jar Subsidy To The Community

JAKARTA - The Special Task Force for Upstream Oil and Gas Business Activities (SKK Migas) has opened its voice regarding the plan of the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources (ESDM) to provide subsidies in the upstream sector, especially through gas networks (jargas) which will be distributed to the public.

Head of the SKK Migas Program and Communication Division, Hudi Suryodipuro, emphasized that his party fully supports government policies if they are actually implemented later.

"We also position ourselves is how we can do what it is called, become the driving force of the economy and also our efforts. For example, we return it to its essence, in Article 33 of the 1945 Constitution that natural wealth, including oil and gas, will be used for the greatest prosperity of the people," said Hudi, quoted Thursday, August 8.

With this policy, said Hudi, it is certain that it can reduce LPG imports that are still being carried out by the Republic of Indonesia and increase the use of gas in the community so that domestically produced gas can be utilized properly.

"If it is from the government itself, one of those who see it is needed to reduce, for example, consumption from LPG, imports from LPG and others, jargas is needed, so we will support it," continued Hudi.

However, Hudi reminded the need for attention to the amount of gas subsidies to be given. The reason is, there are still many people who complain that the jargas price is still too high. In fact, SKK Migas does not have the authority to determine the amount of the jargas price.

Just so you know, the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources is currently conducting a study of the option of providing jargas subsidies to reduce prices from upstream. This policy is carried out to reduce LPG imports, which are still being carried out by more than 6 million tons per year.

"We are also managing the policy on how the price of upstream gas can be cheap, so that people who receive gas at home are also not disturbed by purchasing power," said Arifin during a discussion with the media, Friday, August 2.